What is a Dockerfile?

Diane Khambu
5 min readMar 14, 2022
Photo by Hans Veth on Unsplash

In this article we’ll learn about Dockerfile and create a simple container based on it!

When I first saw a Docker logo 🐳 few years ago, timeline wise it was after completing graduate school, thought it was cute and clever. It must have been a buzz word then. Tried two tutorials on it just to start making hands dirty. Now have to intermittently come across tasks that involves dockerizing builds. Given I have also spent some time to learn more about it, let’s dive in to get a comprehensive overview of creation of a Dockerfile and where it stands in the world of containerization.

I am presuming you have some idea on what a Docker is. Give it a quick read if you want a primer or otherwise. Here is the git repository for the tutorial.

Let’s see a sample Dockerfile :

My current directory structure using command tree . looks like this:

.├── Dockerfile└── index.html0 directories, 2 files

In the COPY command, I copied index.html file from my current directory to container’s /usr/share/nginx/html directory. We set the path /usr/share/nginx/html as our working directory using WORKDIR command. The RUN command updates and install vim to the custom container we are making based out of image nginx:1.21.6 . The first command FROM is the base image we are using. You can see this base nginx:1.21.6 image at the official docker registry. Now, if you look at the Dockerfile of the nginx:1.21.6 image in the registry, it is using Debian operating system image version bullseye-slim .

screenshot of nginx:1.21.6’s Dockerfile

See, we are basically building on top of some other previous images. In addition we can see history of an image using docker history <image-name> command.

docker history server-1:1.0.0

image history

General pattern of docker command line is:

docker <command> <subcommand> (options)

Now that we have walked over the custom Dockerfile , let’s build an image from it:

docker image build -t server-1:1.0.0 .

-t flag is a tag consisting of name and optional tag in the form <name>:<version> . Here, we gave server-1:1.0.0 .

. is a path to a Dockerfile . Here, the Dockerfile is present in the same location as where we are running the command.

The output of the command looks something like this:

output of `docker image build` command

Now the image is ready, let’s instantiate it and make a container!

docker container run -it -d -p 80:80 --name hello-world server-1:1.0.0

-it is for interactive and pseudo TTY (terminal interacts with TeleTypewriter)

-d is for detaching the container

-p is for port. Digits before : is of host and after is that of a container. We need to expose the port in Dockerfile . In our custom Dockerfile we inherited it from the base nginx:1.21.6 dockerfile.

--name is for name of the container.

Since nginx is a web-server, if we go to in your browser, you should see your index.html page rendered:

screenshot of the localhost:80

Now let’s go inside the running container hello-world and edit the index.html file.

docker container exec -it hello-world /bin/bash

exec is for running command in the running container

/bin/bash is the path to the bash shell.

You would be in the /usr/share/nginx/html directory, the directory we set from WORKDIR command. You’ll see index.html file. Add few line using vi editor and save it.

Now when you go to the and refresh the page, the newly added contents are seen!

screenshot of the localhost:80

You can exit out of the container using exit command. You can list running containers using docker container ls . Let’s stop the container and delete it.

docker container stop hello-world
docker container rm hello-world

It’s been recommended to put the least used command such as LABEL , ENV at the top of the Dockerfile while the most used command such as COPY at the end of the Dockerfile. This way we make re-run commands from where the changes were made to be as small as possible.

In addition to the building images and creation of containers, some other useful commands are:

  • docker container top <name-of-container>: List all processes running in the container. You can think of it as a container specific version of ps aux .
  • docker container inspect <name-of-container> : Details about the container’s configuration.
  • docker container stats <name-of-container> : Performance statistics of the container.
  • docker network ls : show networks
  • docker network inspect <name-of-network> : Details about the container

This is just about creating a single container and running it. What if we have multiple containers and have dependencies between them? That’s when we have docker-compose . In the example above we do not have some kind of persistent data storage service such as postgres. The docker-compose helps us to integrate these two different images.

For production grade orchestration of these different containers, we have tools like docker’s swarm or kubernetes.

In summary, Dockerfile is a sequence of commands to create an image. From the image we can create containers.

That’s all for the article. I hope this gave you a basic understanding of a Dockerfile and how it stands in respect to orchestration tools.

Thank you for reading.


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